Read Write Listen
The word limit is 4,000 words. Please don’t send more than one submission at once.
Send your submission attachment as a readable Word (.doc or .docx) file ( not PDF) to .
In the subject line write ‘Submission + [genre] + [title of piece]’
All submissions need to be accompanied by a short biography.
Submission windows, Summer 2024
Window 1 – Non-fiction & Genre Fiction from May 1st to July 1st
Window 2 – Literary Fiction & Poetry from July 15th to September 15th/p>
We do accept simultaneous submissions but please let us know as soon as possible if your piece is accepted for publication elsewhere.
Work for the site is selected by the editorial committee. You should hear back within three months if your work has been selected. NO correspondence can be entered into regarding the decision of the editorial panel and it is the responsibility of the author to ensure that work has been submitted in the correct format and sent to the correct email address. We regret that we will not be able to provide feedback to individual authors.
All work that appears on MIR Online will be copy-edited by our team. We want The Mechanics’ Institute Review to be a showcase for excellent, polished creative writing. Copy-editing is a valuable experience for any writer and we want to bring out the best in your work. While it is important for us to retain the writers’ original intentions, offers to publish work may be revoked if there are significant disagreements at the copy-editing stage.
Work is published under the creative commons licence.
If you have any issues submitting, please contact Jack Glanfield and Alice Kidd on .
You are about to submit work for publication on our website. If you intended to submit to our live event, please visit the relevant page.