


Blog: Landing Smiles (Pt. 3)

Continuing her series, Lizzie Hubbard writes about studying a creative writing degree remotely during a pandemic.

Blog: reading journey

Miki Lentin shares how he came to enjoy reading and the books that forged this relationship.

Blog: Reading

Jess Sturman-Coombs shares her reading journey and the stories that have stayed with her.

Blog: Landing Smiles (Pt. 2)

Continuing her series, Lizzie Hubbard writes about studying a creative writing degree remotely during a pandemic.

Blog: Libraries

Liz Bolton shares her experience of libraries and what the future may hold in the current climate.


Blog: Let the writing happen

Angèle Eliane looks at the pressure to be recognised as a writer and letting go as part of the creative process.

Blog: Going to the Fair

Lyndsey Garrett shares her experience of the Small Publishers Fair at Conway Hall.

Blog: MIR16 Final Thoughts

In her final MIR16 post, Elizabeth Lovatt reflects on the end of one journey and the long road still ahead

Blog: Imposter Syndrome

Lyndsey Garrett takes a look at Imposter Syndrome and how it can impact our writing lives.

Blog: MIR16 Endorsements

In her next behind-the-scenes instalment, Elizabeth Lovatt looks at how endorsements for a book are acquired

Losing The Thread

Writing as a Non-Native English Speaker by Angèle Eliane 

Blog: MIR16 Poetry

In her next blog instalment, Elizabeth Lovatt talks to Nise McCulloch about poetry and its relationship with the MIR16 theme of climate

Blog: MIR16 Shortlist and Selection

In her next behind-the-scenes instalment, Elizabeth Lovatt gives us an insight to the shortlisting and final selection process of MIR16

The Mechanics of MIR 16

Exploring the theme and opening MIR16 to new submission types by Elizabeth Lovatt

Meeting Myself Again

Arhondia writes about her experience of being an artist and a new mother

Why are We Free?

Managing Editor of MIROnline, Melanie Jones, discusses why we are free.

Reading is Writing

Peter discusses what he learnt about writing by doing a lot of reading.